Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 25 - Travel Day!

An early call this morning, but we spent the night at the Paris Airport Sheraton hotel, so all we had to do in the morning (at 6am) was scamper down to the lobby, check-out, and take the tram over to the airport. This routine worked very well.  We arrived at the check-in locale at 6:15, and watched while the French employees contracted by United milled about and chatted with each other. No, sir, these folks know their rights. Apparently they were told that check-in was three hours before flight time and they were not going to start a minute too soon, in spite of a long line of waiting customers. So, at 6:25am, (our flight was scheduled for 9:25am) they opened the counter--let the goat rodeo begin. Fortunately the flight was scheduled to depart on time. We soon had our doubts however, because as we were sitting in the waiting area, there were several pages for a particular passenger. Then, when we boarded the flight, the gate agent came on board and called the same passenger name. Hmm-m-m What was going on? In short order, the pilot announced that there would be a "brief" delay because a passenger had not shown up for the flight, but his luggage was already on board, so of course, the luggage would need to found and removed!! Oh, no, nightmare city--this is what happened on our flight over to Paris. Could it possibly happen again!?
Stay tuned......
You may have noticed that this post has only verbiage and no photos. That's because after a full day of traveling, our most recent photos are not yet uploaded, so I am unable to finish today's blog entry. Therefore my final thoughts on our French adventure will be recorded tomorrow. Thanks so much to all of you who have followed along on this blog.  More later.....

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